We understand that the autistic adult community may not always have support mechanisms in place when things are tough.
To alleviate the challenges faced by autistic individuals, we’re introducing a short-term, cost-free support initiative of up to 5 hours for those most in need.
Recognising the daunting nature of meeting new people or joining groups, particularly for autistic individuals dealing with anxiety or other barriers, we’re committed to assisting in overcoming these hurdles. Our critical support service serves as a bridge to RFA services, providing a few hours of free support. This aid facilitates the first steps or alleviate fears and worries associated with venturing into new experiences.
Our support extends to various areas including housing, completion of benefit forms, offering information on recent or potential diagnoses, advocacy, guidance on available services and entitlements, and assistance with applications, among other crucial forms of support.

In short, we can help for up to 5 hours (with no charge) with addressing barriers to come to a new group, accessing a RFA service or in crisis situations where all other avenues have been explored. Examples include:
- Travel training/support to group destination for the first time.
- Up to 1 hour discussing recent autism diagnosis and what is available.
- Support with accessing adults social care or benefits, entitlements.
- Support preparing for and attending benefit/entitlement/Access to Work interviews and assessments.
- Advocating autism needs and acting as communication bridge with neurotypicals.
- Making referrals to support with housing issues, hoarding etc.
Please note this support is time limited and only for those who need it the most and who have no other support networks in place. It is RFA’s discretion to decide who is eligible.
To inquire about eligibility for this support, please complete the referral form and someone from the team will be in touch.